Project date: March 2017
The Paint was then 7 years old and very difficult to keep clean with unsightly permanent staining around the exhast outlets, causing a real headache for the crew.
The time frame available was 5 weeks to carry out localised paint repairs to corrosion and anchor damage. Polish out exhast staining and bring all the surface back to a 90+ GU gloss and apply and seal the paint to last the three seasons until the next Lloyds major survey and total repaint.
55 meter Benetti with a badly faded red rubbing strake which had partially been repainted
The old paint was down to 15GU gloss and looked shocking against the new paint.
Remedy “A” haul the boat out of the water for two weeks build a paint tent with heating and extraction and wait for a bill that makes your eyes water.
Or “B” in 48 hours on the vessels own berth, polish back to 90+GU and apply a ceramic clear coat that will last for two years and that can be recoated.
75 Meter CRN with exhaust smoke ingress problems around the aft part of the vessel
Project date: 2018
Phase 1 in 2018 was to polish out the staining and fully restore the gloss before the Monaco boat show and coat the transom and aft outboards with a 10micron clear re-coatable ceramic. This enabled the smoke seen in the photos to be washed off using only soft soap and minimum effort.
Phase 2 in 2020 the clear coat is still in good condition, stain free and beading water and it was recoated as part of a complete clear coat application on the hull.
That gives a four year lifespan coating system with reduced costs and time for the re-coating after two years due to the minimal prep-work required.
80 Meter Amels repainted in 2015
Due to the limited refit yard time available a sratch and shoot paint application was carried out.
The concerns for the crew were that from midships going aft they had an existing smoke staining problem which had to polished out regularly and required high PH cleaners to make it presentable.
A soon as the vessel arrived in Antibes we carried out a Zertona wipe on ceramic coating on the areas of the hull concerned. Now five years later the paint still looks good and only requires a good clean and a reapplication of the coating.
The whole area can be maintained with soft soap during the season.